Sunday, November 23, 2014

Spiritual Sunday: Christ Really Loves You

Happy Sunday my readers!

Sundays are quickly becoming my favorite days to write. I'm always too timid to participate in church discussions and such, but I feel like I have so much to share in my testimony! For those who haven't read my first Spiritual Sunday post, I beg that you go back and read the first two paragraphs of it before continuing in this post. They are just my little disclaimers regarding any and all spiritual related posts I make.

Earlier this week I was driving from my morning job to my evening job and I remembered something. To be completely honest, I have absolutely no idea where my mind was at the time. I recalled in the story of Christ's crucifixion that, as He hung on the cross, He said "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34 in the KJV)

Now, lets take a moment to consider who Christ was asking forgiveness for. These are the people who nailed him to a cross. Realize that likewise, these people had the opportunity to learn of the gospel of Christ. They knew of His miracles, and undoubtedly had heard about his teachings. They had the opportunity to convert. Yet Christ stilled asked for them to be forgiven, recognizing that they really didn't really know what they were doing.

One reason this was a big deal to me was because, as I had mentioned, these people had the opportunity to convert. I feel like Latter Day Saints often subconsciously (or maybe consciously, but I'm giving you all the benefit of the doubt here) look down on people who are familiar with the church and choose not to convert. Are we not supposed to try our hardest to be like Christ though? And in that case, should we not love these people as Christ does? If we truly believe that our church is the correct one, we should follow in Christ's example by recognizing that, simply because people have heard some of the teachings of our church does not mean that they know better!

The other reason this was a big deal is because it shows just how much Christ loves each and every one of us. I personally can't even grasp the concept of how much I would have to love someone for me to want them to be forgiven after crucifying me! From my experience, we focus a lot on how Christ forgives the man on the cross next to him, but we fail to recognize exactly how much forgiveness was being given during this entire process. I've made a ton of mistakes throughout my lifetime, some of which were drastic enough for me to think to myself, God has given up on me because I have given up on him. That whole attitude is something I'll come back to in the future, but I just wanted to emphasize to you all that no matter who you are or what you've done, Christ loves you. Nothing I've done or you've done will block you or I from that love.

If you ever begin to doubt His love, do me a favor and re-read that story. You haven't crucified Him after all. If He can forgive those who put Him on the cross, I guarantee He can and will forgive you.

Have a lovely rest of the week, and please never forget this!


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