Take a brief walk down memory lane with me. Think back to that dream you once had of being a rockstar, or of being a famous artist. Can you feel that fire that it started inside you? Do you remember that burning flame of happiness and determination and drive for what you wanted deep inside?
Chances are you have shot yourself down for years, telling yourself you can't be one of those people. Its almost like the famous YouTubers, the musicians, the actors are a completely different species. Here's a newsflash for you though -- they're not. These people are just as average and normal as you are (except for the few who have gone a little crazy... but that came after the fame). With that knowledge, you have to ask yourself what it is that is holding you back. I bet the only answer to that, is you.
Now, don't get me wrong, I am by no means telling you that you'll have immediate success upon starting to pursue your dreams. I mean, take a look at me with my measly following on this blog! Robert F. Kennedy once said, “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” Each of us will run into failure, but the more times we do, the closer we come to success. To fall flat on our faces when reaching for something we want and love is a hard blow to take. Trust me, I know all too well. When we get back on our feet and keep trying though, we will eventually come to a point of success.
All that being said, we do need to be realistic. As much of a dreamer as I may be, I am painfully aware of reality. After internalizing Kennedy's words, the next step we all need to take is to turn our dreams into goals. A dream involves results which are out of our control, but a goal is completely in our control and therefore reasonably reachable.
I'm not going to lecture you on what makes a goal a goal and how to set them. I'm sure you heard it a million times in High School, as I know I did. I will though tell you to set one. Take that dream you gave up on. Assess what is in your control regarding it, and then set a goal accordingly. Pursue it with everything you have, and when you inevitably fall flat on your face, read that quote to yourself. Don't be afraid to ask others for help, and don't be afraid to get back up on your feet and try again. I have faith in you. Just remember that the only thing differentiating you from the actors, the webfamous, the CEOs of the world is the determination to try.
Photo from http://quotesnsmiles.com/picture-quotes/images-29-dream-big-picture-quotes/
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