Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Circumstance -- Now Playing in 3D

Hey folks!

Don't close this post just yet simply because I said folks. I'd be tempted to myself, seeing as that word just grinds on my brain, but I needed I little variety in my opening.

3D movies seem to be all the rage nowdays. I remember when they were a special, "cool" experience, and now practically everything is initially released in 3D. I mean, we even have 3D televisions for heavens sake. So why do we watch 3D movies? Its for a fuller experience.

This reminds me of something my dad had told me when I was still living at home. Every circumstance that you are in is like a box. Depending on the angle you are looking at the box, you can easily see one or two sides of it, but that's it. The challenge is to try to see the opposite side of the box, the one completely out of your view initially.

Situations are not two dimensional, metaphorically speaking. There is another side completely out of our view, and it would be beneficial to us and everyone around us if we took the time to assess the situations we are in and take on the challenge of seeing the other side of the box.  Lets use an example -- you are in a situation at work where you feel your boss treats you poorly. He/She is always bitter and rarely encouraging, and punishes you for things they don't fairly prepare you to deal with.  That is the side of the box you can see, but what about the other side? Perhaps they are dealing with a lot of pressure from their boss, or worse yet some personal issues. Perhaps its a bit of both. When you come to understand their side of the box though, it is easier to act in patience. You realize that, in their shoes, you would most likely act the same way. Perhaps you already have been to your fellow co-workers, or other people in your life. It give a fuller, more appropriate understanding of the situation. A fuller experience, like the 3D movies.

So, as a little challenge for you, next time you are in any sort of situation -- especially one where negative emotions are present, but any situation will do -- Try to see the other side of the box.

picture courtesy of


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